Your favorite teachers are online for another podcast. This time, we'll be going through the new season of Love after Lockup. Miss H has been on board since the beginning, but Mr. O just hopped on in the middle of last season. We will recap the craziness, give some opinions based on our personal lives, and give out awards to end each episode!

Monday Jul 20, 2020
How Many Kids Do You Have?
Monday Jul 20, 2020
Monday Jul 20, 2020
Love After Lockup is back and so are we! Miss H and Mr O are ready for a whole new season of this trainwreck. On this episode, we'll be covering Season 3 Episode 1, where we are introduced to five new couples (although Miss H has trouble telling some of them apart). Scott is getting his high energy bedroom ready for Lindsey. Shawn is going to the bail bonds place for "Operation Free Destiny". John is constructing an alter for his impromptu wedding (and unfortunately, consummation) to Kristiana. Shavel is getting ready to road trip with Quaylon's mom. Jessica is speeding away from her sister in her mom's old car.
We'll also give out students of the week, class dunces and life lessons.
If you like what you hear, please give us a five star rating and leave a review. If you also watch 90 Day Fiance, you should check out our other podcast feed. You can reach us on Instagram (@90DayMmkay) or shoot us an email at 90daymmkay@gmail.com.
OK, stay stafe and enjoy!

Thursday May 28, 2020
The I Dos and the I Do Nots
Thursday May 28, 2020
Thursday May 28, 2020
In this finale episode, we will recap and snark on Love is Blind episodes 9-10 and the reunion show! In these episodes, all of the remaining couples make it to the altar, but only some of them leave as a married couple. But before all that happens we have some weird bachelor(ette) parties and some unusual gold wine glasses to discuss.
Plus, since this is our last episode, we'll do our Power Rankings for each of the main cast members.
This is the last episode of Love is Blind, so this podcast will be on hiatus for a while. We will return when Love After Lockup returns later in the summer, but if you watch 90 Day Fiance, check out our other podcast, 90 Day Mmkay Teachable Moments with Miss H and Mr O. Feedback is always welcome

Saturday May 16, 2020
Let's Talk About Sex, Maybe?
Saturday May 16, 2020
Saturday May 16, 2020
In this episode, we will recap and snark on Love is Blind episodes 7-8, where we meet the parents. Amber is nervously laugh snorting as Barnett defends his relationship to his family, Cameron impresses Lauren's family with his killer rap skills (just kidding, it was cringey), Damian's parents cancel last minute because they sense Giannina's craziness, Mark implies he finally had sex? And Kenny and Kelly have an "uncomfortable" conversation about orgasms.
We'll cover all this, plus have students of the week, class dunces and life lessons!
If you like what you hear, please give us a rating, so other people can find us. And if you watch 90 Day Fiance, check out our other podcast, 90 Day Mmkay Teachable Moments with Miss H and Mr O. Feedback is always welcome

Wednesday May 06, 2020
The Art of Self-Sabotage
Wednesday May 06, 2020
Wednesday May 06, 2020
In this episode Love is Blind, the couples settle into their temporary apartments and start to get peeks of their partner's life. Amber tells us about her debt, Cameron and Lauren get comfortable in each other's old places, Kenny has to spend his first night alone, Giannina and Damein get into another fight over nothing, and Jessica does whatever she can to blow up her relationship with Mark.
We'll cover all this, plus have students of the week, class dunces and life lessons!
If you like what you hear, please give us a rating, so other people can find us. And if you watch 90 Day Fiance, check out our other podcast, 90 Day Mmkay Teachable Moments with Miss H and Mr O. Feedback is always welcome

Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Boats, Horses and Helicopters
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
In this episode Love is Blind, all the couples that are left try to enjoy their time in Mexico. They all get to go on an adventure, like horseback driving, sailing or a helicopter ride. Most of the couples are just there, but Damien and Giannina get in a little fight, and Jessica is really starting to make a mess of everything.
We'll cover all this, plus have students of the week, class dunces and life lessons!
If you like what you hear, please give us a rating, so other people can find us. And if you watch 90 Day Fiance, check out our other podcast, 90 Day Mmkay Teachable Moments with Miss H and Mr O. Feedback is always welcome

Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Someone Gets Kicked off the Island
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
In this episode Love is Blind, everyone is waking up with their significant others after their first night in Mexico. Some of them are happy after a night of fun in bed. Others spent the night cuddling and getting to know each other, and still others had it a little rougher. In particular, Diamond and Carlton start off bad and end up worse. There's also some trouble between Jessica and Mark. The rest of the couples stay pretty fun and flirty. Finally, we get the big reveal that everyone is at the same resort!
We'll cover all this, plus have students of the week, class dunces and life lessons!
If you like what you hear, please give us a rating, so other people can find us. And if you watch 90 Day Fiance, check out our other podcast, 90 Day Mmkay Teachable Moments with Miss H and Mr O. Feedback is always welcome

Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Everybody Goes to Mexico
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
In our second episode covering Love is Blind, the last couples get engaged and go on their Mexican... honeymoon? Barnett finally makes his decision, and Jessica settles for her second choice. Giannina comes on strong to Damien, Cameron is a little awkward around Lauren, Kenny and Kelly are on the same page, and Carlton is a huge jerk before and after telling Diamond his secret. We'll also name our All students of the week, class dunces and give our life lessons.
If you like what you hear, please give us a rating, so other people can find us. And if you watch 90 Day Fiance, check out our other podcast, 90 Day Mmkay Teachable Moments with Miss H and Mr O. Feedback is always welcome

Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
Locking It Down
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
In our second episode covering Love is Blind, some of the couples are starting to pair off. In this episode, Cameron and Lauren meet and then disappear, Mark and Kelly appear and get engaged, a ladybug tells Diamond she's doing the right thing, Damien proposes with a strained metaphor, and everyone else is frankly a hot mess. We'll also name our All students of the week, class dunces and give our life lessons.
If you like what you hear, please give us a rating, so other people can find us. And if you watch 90 Day Fiance, check out our other podcast, 90 Day Mmkay Teachable Moments with Miss H and Mr O. Feedback is always welcome

Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
Meet the Garbage People
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
In this episode, Miss H and Mr O change gears and change shows. Since Love after Lockup is on hiatus, we're turning our attention to Love is Blind from Netflix! In this episode we meet Carlton's sparkly beard, Amber's sparky personality, Mark's not fully thought out tattoo, and Barnett's pickup strategy. We'll also name our All students of the week, class dunces and give our life lessons.
If you like what you hear, please give us a rating, so other people can find us. And if you watch 90 Day Fiance, check out our other podcast, 90 Day Mmkay Teachable Moments with Miss H and Mr O. Feedback is always welcome at 90daymmkay@gmail.com

Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
'Til Death Do Us Part? But You're Still Alive
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
In this episode, Miss H and Mr O discuss season 1 finale (episode 12) of Life after Lockup. In this episode, Angela is shocked that Tony cheated on her again, Megan sings about lemons, John makes fun of Shane’s trashbag suitcase, Marcelino and Brittney have a gender reveal party, Andrea and Lamar leave their fate in the hand of a 5 year old, and Clint drives Tracie to rehab... All that and students of the week, class dunces and life lessons.
If you like what you hear, please give us a rating, so other people can find us. And if you watch 90 Day Fiance, check out our other podcast, 90 Day Mmkay Teachable Moments with Miss H and Mr O. Feedback is always welcome at 90daymmkay@gmail.com
The results of our poll are in, and due to this new normal of social distancing, they don't matter, because we have time to do both! We'll start covering Season 4 of 90 Day Fiance on our 90 Day Fiance feed, and next week, this will transition to being a Love is Blind feed!