Your favorite teachers are online for another podcast. This time, we'll be going through the new season of Love after Lockup. Miss H has been on board since the beginning, but Mr. O just hopped on in the middle of last season. We will recap the craziness, give some opinions based on our personal lives, and give out awards to end each episode!

Monday Sep 21, 2020
Blunts and Bruises
Monday Sep 21, 2020
Monday Sep 21, 2020
On this episode, we'll be covering Episode 2 of the four part Life after Lockup Mini Season! In this episode, we'll talk about the quality of Michael's communication and Sarah's therapist, Tennison and Lamar's response to Dulow sparking one up, Marcelino's age inflation in the face of COVID, and Angela's back burner guy.
As always, we'll also give out students of the week, class dunces and life lessons. Next week, we'll be with this same crew for part 3 of the 4 part special, which will be airing through October 2. The new season should return the week after that.
If you like what you hear, please give us a five star rating and leave a review. If you also watch 90 Day Fiance, you should check out our other podcast feed. You can reach us on Instagram (@90DayMmkay) or shoot us an email at 90daymmkay@gmail.com.

Monday Sep 14, 2020
We're Getting The Band Back Together
Monday Sep 14, 2020
Monday Sep 14, 2020
On this episode, we'll be covering Episode 1 of the four part Life after Lockup Mini Season! In this episode, we'll talk about Andrea's dramatic calls to Jesus, Lacey's dumb romantic carousel, Angela being very not chill with a baseball bat, moving to "more exclusive" with Sarah's new boyfriend, and some of the pitfalls of Brittany's new baby name.
As always, we'll also give out students of the week, class dunces and life lessons. Next week, we'll be with this same crew for part two of the four part special, which will be airing through October 2. The new season should return the week after that.
If you like what you hear, please give us a five star rating and leave a review. If you also watch 90 Day Fiance, you should check out our other podcast feed. You can reach us on Instagram (@90DayMmkay) or shoot us an email at 90daymmkay@gmail.com.

Monday Sep 07, 2020
80 Pounds of Muscle
Monday Sep 07, 2020
Monday Sep 07, 2020
On this episode, we'll be covering Season 3 Episode 8 of Love After Lockup! In this episode, which is apparently the mid-season finale (?) we talk about the importance of rules regarding Kristiana, the logistics of car wash sex with Heather and Dylan, Shawn and Destinie's inability to grasp the concept of money, Lindsey's temper tantrum, and Tyrice's oversharing relationship with his son
As always, we'll also give out students of the week, class dunces and life lessons. Next week, we'll be covering the first of the four part Life after Lockup special, which will be airing through October 2, before this crew gets back. So we'll be here for some new opinions on some old favorites (and let's be honest, some old non-favorites as well)
If you like what you hear, please give us a five star rating and leave a review. If you also watch 90 Day Fiance, you should check out our other podcast feed. You can reach us on Instagram (@90DayMmkay) or shoot us an email at 90daymmkay@gmail.com.

Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Ironing on the Counter
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
On this episode, we'll be covering Season 3 Episode 7 of Love After Lockup! In this episode, we discuss Heathers purse pal, Destinie making a pass at the furniture lady, Shavel's lavish gift for Quaylon, the lovely bouquet that John bought, and wonder why Scott had to be shirtless for his scene.
As always, we'll also give out students of the week, class dunces and life lessons. We'll be back covering Season 3 Episode 8 next Monday, so keep an eye on your podcast feeds.
If you like what you hear, please give us a five star rating and leave a review. If you also watch 90 Day Fiance, you should check out our other podcast feed. You can reach us on Instagram (@90DayMmkay) or shoot us an email at 90daymmkay@gmail.com.

Monday Aug 24, 2020
Just When You Think It Can't Get Worse
Monday Aug 24, 2020
Monday Aug 24, 2020
On this episode, we'll be covering Season 3 Episode 6 of Love After Lockup! In this episode, we discuss how Quaylon might smell, John keeps digging himself into deeper and deeper holes, Destinie can't wait to let the party girl out, Maurice and Jessica film their run to the border, and Tyrice feels like he must inspect Chanda's ass
As always, we'll also give out students of the week, class dunces and life lessons. We'll be back covering Season 3 Episode 7 next Monday, so keep an eye on your podcast feeds.
If you like what you hear, please give us a five star rating and leave a review. If you also watch 90 Day Fiance, you should check out our other podcast feed. You can reach us on Instagram (@90DayMmkay) or shoot us an email at 90daymmkay@gmail.com.

Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
Hard Left into Garbagetown
Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
On this episode, we'll be covering Season 3 Episode 5 of Love After Lockup! In this episode, we meet drunk Destinie, who is a little more demanding than sober Destinie, Tyrice is creeping outside the prison with a pair of binoculars, Scott comes up with some wild porn-like theories of why Lindsie is still in prison, Maurice reunites with his daughter as Jessica scowls on, and Quaylon and Shavel have some adult fun.
As always, we'll also give out students of the week, class dunces and life lessons. Next week, we'll be back covering Season 3 Episode 6 on Monday, so keep an eye on your podcast feeds.
If you like what you hear, please give us a five star rating and leave a review. If you also watch 90 Day Fiance, you should check out our other podcast feed. You can reach us on Instagram (@90DayMmkay) or shoot us an email at 90daymmkay@gmail.com.

Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
Now with 66% More Kids
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
On this episode, we'll be covering Season 3 Episode 4 of Love After Lockup! In this episode, Shawn gets caught in some pretty basic lies, John takes his truck to the limit and is still super late, we question Tyrice's child naming abilities, Scott shares his steak with Larry the Limo Driver, Maurice tries to get out of Compton, and Quaylon, Shavel and Qualandria have a three-huggie,
As always, we'll also give out students of the week, class dunces and life lessons. Next week, the episode will post on Sunday instead of Monday, so keep an eye on your podcast feeds.
If you like what you hear, please give us a five star rating and leave a review. If you also watch 90 Day Fiance, you should check out our other podcast feed. You can reach us on Instagram (@90DayMmkay) or shoot us an email at 90daymmkay@gmail.com.

Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
I Like Big Butts
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
On this episode, we'll be covering Season 3 Episode 4. On this episode, we meet Tyrise, who seems to think highly of himself and Shanda's butt, John stresses out Kristiana, Shawn judges Destinie by her extra pounds, Scott has some credit card issues, and Maurice is amazed by human flight.
As always, we'll also give out students of the week, class dunces and life lessons.
If you like what you hear, please give us a five star rating and leave a review. If you also watch 90 Day Fiance, you should check out our other podcast feed. You can reach us on Instagram (@90DayMmkay) or shoot us an email at 90daymmkay@gmail.com.

Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
PREVIEW: 90 Day Fiance Mmkay Bonus Episode
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
This is a preview of our other podcast, which covers each week of 90 Day Fiance. You can subscribe and listen wherever you listen to podcasts.
In this episode (which can be also found in that feed)
Miss H and Mr O discuss two episodes: Season 5 Episode 7 of 90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After? and Season 2 Episode 9 of The Other Way. On HEA, Colt shows off his Brazilian swimwear after a night partying with Jess's family, Larissa talks to someone who thinks Eric is an insult to men (but who doesn't really), Asuelu allows Kalani to be the bus driver, but only to throw her under it again, Paul finally does something right, Angela insists pizza is the way to go, and the tables are turned as Andrei is being interrogated by Chuck and Charlie.
In The Other Way, Kenny tries to show some PDA with Armando, Yazan wonders what Brittany is thinking when Brittany is sitting right next to him, Melyza is unable to move past Tim's cheating, Ari gives the Ethiopian hospital a thumbs up, and Jihoon and Deavan are playing with fire as their translator device is determined to ruin their relationship.

Monday Jul 27, 2020
Waiting For Years
Monday Jul 27, 2020
Monday Jul 27, 2020
On this episode, we'll be covering Season 3 Episode 2, where we catch up with the same five couples from last week. In this episode, Jessica dresses up to meet her man, Kristiana has to carry her box of stuff all the way to the limo, Quaylon's deception is very quickly found out, Scott seems to have a good relationship with Miley Grace, and Shawn doesn't even realize he's breaking hearts.
We'll also give out students of the week, class dunces and life lessons. After that, Miss H shares some of the confirmed spoilers for the rest of the season.
If you like what you hear, please give us a five star rating and leave a review. If you also watch 90 Day Fiance, you should check out our other podcast feed. You can reach us on Instagram (@90DayMmkay) or shoot us an email at 90daymmkay@gmail.com.